Tuesday, November 17, 2020

The Help: Historical Criticism Analysis

Any study of the history of events and ideas surrounding the text constitutes historical criticism. How does the historical moment in which the work was written affect the work's content?

(Due: Wednesday, December 2nd @ 2:00pm)

*Think about when the book was published, and how that might change what is in the book, in order to answer this question.


  1. Kathryn Stockett’s book, The Help, was published in 2009, more than 50 years after the book takes place. I think the book would have made a much greater historical impact if it was written and published in the late sixties or early seventies because its themes and plot would’ve been controversial and fairly new: similar to Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird which was published in 1960 and also opposes racism. This doesn’t mean that the book has no relevance to the time it was published, or even now; segregation may have been abolished, but racism is still very much alive throughout the United States. There are still various hate groups, cases of lynching, and police brutality towards minorities despite old and recent protests demanding Civil Rights. Although The Help can’t prevent racism as a whole, it still can educate individuals on segregation and the Civil Rights movement, as well as give an understanding of what it’s like to be discriminated against.

  2. In 2009, Kathryn Stockett published, The Help, half a century after the time period the book was about. I think that this effects how people react to what’s inside the cover of this book, if the help were released 50 years ago than the book would have probably gotten a very negative reaction from people because it wasn’t normal for people to have respect or consider the needs of blacks people back then. I think this book could have helped the people in the Civil Rights movement to show white people how the treatment between the races is. I think it’s also does a very good job at showing how little a woman was expected to become in this time, we see how girls a sent off away to college just to come back with a husband to take care of, if The Help was released earlier I think it would have helped give some woman the courage to work for them selves and go for their dream. The Help would have been a good tool for helping the people in the Civil Rights movement if it was published at that time but I think that it is a important book we keep reading so we can continue to learn about how our country was and not forget

  3. The Help was pulblished in 2009 and written shortly before that. This affects the way people read the book because at that time and as you read it now you start to scoff at how poorly the “help” is treated and you know the things Hilly says about their diseases and the need for a separate toilet is completely false. The time period and region in which the story was based on however, does explain why most of the people in the book feel the way they do about black community. Clearly it is wrong but it is what they were taught and how they grew up. This is shown in the book when May Mobley came home from either prep-school or kindergarten and told Abileen that her teacher said black people aren’t as smart as white people. This book would have had a much greater impact if it was written and published in the time period it was based on. Because the book was published after the civil rights movement and at a time where the black community is really thriving, it is still important and does a great job of educating people of what happened. Remembering our past mistakes as a nation is very important in making the correct decisions in the future. Everyone will be taught about slavery and the large names during the civil rights movement in school but it is still important for people to know about the day to day workers, such as the help, and their lives during these times. This book didn’t just attack the inequalities the black communtiy faced, it also touched on how little women were expected to do. It talked about how women weren’t supposed to finish college and they were just supposed to marry before leaving. This lets women know that even the fact they get to live out their dream and do what they want in life is special because even for that right to come into fruition caused a fight. All in all, the books timing didn’t have much of an impact on the world other that reminding us that we need to use our past mistakes and better them in the future.

  4. The book “The Help” was written in 2009 by Kathryn Stockett. It takes place in Jackson, Mississippi during the early 1960s. History is very important, and has valuable lessons to learn. The book and the movie both portray a lot of important topics in history, including racism in America, slavery, and male and femal roles. Many different people would even have entirely different experiences based on how much money you made. “The Help” was written in 2009 with the knowledge and research at that time. With time and new information things change. In 2020, the world is showing us now that there is still a lot of work to be done and deeper conversations to be had in order to understand one another, and especially understand Black Americans. If “The Help” was written now, the story would be greatly influenced by the current issues we see in the Black communities. I wonder what story would be written if questions were asked currently about what life is still like for Black people today? As I said before, I think History is very important and we shouldn’t erase it. Even though “The Help” is fiction, it does a great job of showing very important historical events. It reminds us that we should honor the experiences that people lived through and learn from them to grow in the future. In the end, it is very clear that society has changed since this book was written in 2009. Since we have learned so much more about Black history since this book was written, the story would change a lot and be much more relevant if the book came out today. I really enjoyed this novel, and I’m happy I read it when I did. Even though times have changed, the story is still super important. It changed society when it came out, and it will still change society when reading it today.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Writing depends on time. You need enough information to fill in context and close enough to the time of context to keep relevance. In 2009 racial discrimination still held relevence in todays world and readers still could have survived when the book came out. Some books about mundane life now might not hold relevance into the future because they are about mundane problems or fantasy they will hold no relevance. Righting the book after the fact will make it easier to find out what is significant about that time period, but it won’t have as big of an impact. If this book did somehow get released in the sixties think of the impact. The book would have been a spark instead of just fuel in the revolution of equality.

  7. Even though the book The Help was published in 2009, being many years after when the book takes place, it has made a great impact on the topic of civil rights and racism then and now. Because it was published today the audience has more of an open mind when reading. If it was released in the actual time it took place, it most likely would have gotten backlash. For example even though some people were intrigued by the book Skeeter wrote in the story, there were people who were angry by it, like Hilly. But I believe this book could have made an impact on the society and opened the minds of the people in the 1960s, because not only does it touch base on the topic of racism but it touches base with sexism and how women were only looked at as someone who stays home, party’s, and looks pretty while the man makes the money for them. Also with police brutality and such. So many topics were talked about in this book and it is a great example of historical fiction. Even though The Help can not completely stop things such as racism, sexism, and police brutality, it is still a very powerful book to inform the readers that these are real topics that should not be overlooked. That these topics need to be talked about more and for people to help minimize these things as much as possible.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. The Book The Help was published in 2009 however, it took place in Jackson, Mississippi in the 1960s.I believe that if the book was published in the same time period it would have not been viewed as the truth and it wouldn't have made such an impact on how life was for the African Americans, even though they were free. The book was published a long time from when it took place because it was reflecting on the life of African American maids who lived in the 1960s. The work was written to reflect culture and conflicts at that time. Which includes segregation, the place of whites and black in their society, the general acceptance of blacks being believed to be lesser people even though they were free. The book helped people across the nation realize how hard African Americans living in the south still had it and what they constantly had to deal with. It called attention that African Americans were free but not completely free due to racism. It made everyone aware of what was going on and changed many opinions of people. The book The Help was written to reflect the views at the time, and what life was like in Jackson, Mississippi.

  10. The Book “The Help” was published in 2009 by Kathryn Stockett. She Based it off the 1960’s in Jackson Mississippi where times were very different. The book and the movie both portray a lot of important topics in history including one of the most important events racism in America. Many different people would be judged or how badly or good they were treated Based off their skin color and how much money they made. With time and new information things change In 2020, the world is showing us now that there is still a lot of work to be done and even further research to be had in order to understand one another, and especially the African American race along with the problems. If “The Help” was written in todays world the story would be hugly impacted by the current issues we see in the Black communities. I question what the book would look like now because of the current events happing in todays world, and with another big question about how Black people are treated today. Even though “The Help” is fiction it does a good job of showing very important events that happened in the past. It reminds us what experiences that people lived through and learn from them to grow in the future.This Book should us how much progress we have made since this book was published in 2009 it should us past mistakes and mistakes we are still having today. I really liked the novel because of its past and information it has taught this world even though it was kind of hard to read. I still think that if the book was written in todays world the book would have been changed greatly based of the events that happened this year.

  11. On February 10th, 2009 the novel, “The Help” was published. This novel’s popularity grew, and it won over twenty awards within 11 years of its publication. Hollywood even stopped and took a look at this novel and a movie, also called “The Help” was produced in 2011. This novel was not based on the author’s own experience or from a modern viewpoint but from a look back into the past. “The Help” took place in the sixties, almost 50 years after the novel was written and published. The novel was very well received in 2009 because public opinion had changed. Fortunately, society has realized many of the mistakes of the past. People really are people no matter the color, the gender, or the amount of money in their bank account. We may be different but we are all of great value. It is true we still have a ways to go to fully address biases and stereotypes but I feel as if we are moving in the right direction. No one could have guessed back in the sixties that it would be possible to have a man serve as president of the United States who was black. And even today we have elected not only a black vice president but a woman too. The prejudices of the past will hopefully stay in the past. Novels such as “The Help” have encouraged us to open our eyes and to see just a little clearer just how awful we were. Had this novel been published back in the sixties it would have been entirely possible that the author would have had bricks thrown through her window. She would have been ostracized just as the people she wrote about were. The author, Kathryn Stockett addressed something difficult from our country’s past and brought it to light where we could see what truly went on in the sixties, boy did we need, “The Help”.

  12. Had the book, The Help, been published before or after 2009, it likely would have looked very different. Being that the book was written years and years after the time period it was based on, readers already have the mindset that racism and discrimination based off of gender or the color on one’s skin is wrong. However, had the book been published in the 60s or 70s, it likely would have been perceived much differently, much more controversial. It was a time where your acceptance depended on the color of your skin, the money in your bank account or the gender you were born. People rarely questioned this way of living, as it was taught at an early age not to. We can see the author address this in particular when she talks about Mae Mobley coming home from school with derogatory statements from her white teacher about Aibileen or how easily Hilly convinced the town’s population that African Americans had diseases transferable by toilet. Just as the book would have been reviewed differently in the 60s, it may have been written differently in 2020. I think that if the novel had been published any later than it was, it would include examples of racism and sexism more often seen today. For example, police brutality or wage gap. However, I am positive that society today would be much more accepting of a book like this than 50 years ago. The Help does a great job at pointing out the mistakes of our society’s past and helping us make sure this part of history never repeats itself.

  13. The book “The Help” written by Kathryn Stockett was published in 2009. Although the book was set in the 1960s in Jackson, Mississippi this allowed people to see the time era through different eyes. When people would learn about the 1960s, most students are going to learn it by watching videos or reading it out of a textbook, this book allows for a broader picture of what really happened and how people were treated. Having the book come out later when people were not so racially divided could open up our eyes to see and learn from our past. After the book gained popularity “The Help” became a movie in 2011 which became a visual representation and would reach more audiences. I believe that if the book had been written in the 1960s and published at the time, people would not take it seriously. In reading the book the white women were not even nice to their friend, who was nice to the black women. I believe that people would treat it as a joke or it would become very popular and get a lot of readings. If people treated it as a joke then it would probably get barely any readings and just end up in the dump, and become a book of history that we read in class. If it got popular, then it might open peoples minds and think about how they are treating the black society. Overall I believe that “The Help” has opened minds to what has happened in our history.

  14. The Help, written in 2009, was a story that brought to light many issues including racism in the 1960’s. It is hard to tell what kind of impact the book would have made had it been published at the time but I believe it would have gotten too much backlash to make a significant impact. As shown in the Help, African Americans were “free” in the 1960’s so a lot of people thought that was sufficient. This book is an incredible representation of what life was like as an African American woman living in the south while segregation was such a big part of so many people’s lives. Most white people at the time already had a set vision on African Americans, the thought was that they didn’t deserve the same opportunities and privileges as white people, they thought they deserved less than everyone else. Because of this set vision the book would not have made a difference at the time. The book reflects on the experiences of black people at the time and a lot of the challenges they faced. Having the book published nearly 50 years after it took place gave people the opportunity to understand the hardships black people faced in the 60’s especially in the south. Even though the book was not published until 2009, it is still very important to our society so that we can understand the events that happened through a different perspective.

  15. The Help written by Kathryn Stockett, published in 2009 highlights what life was like for African Americans in the 1960's. The book takes place in the deep south. If the book had been published in the time era it took place a lot of people may have disregarded it because at that time people had the belief that racism was okay and deemed appropriate. However publishing the book in the next generation opened the eyes of many readers across the country to the hardships and hate that African Americans had to deal with almost daily. This book provides us with a different perspective on things that happened in our history, giving us a new way to understand the emotions that were felt by the black community in the 1960's.

  16. "The Help" by Kathryn Stockett was published in 2009, a time that is very different from the time era in which the storyline takes place. It is based in Jackson, Mississippi, in the early 1960s and talks about the racial issues that occurred in the 60s. Comparing the book being released in 2009 in contrast to being released during the 60s, there is a huge difference in how people would have reacted to the book. I think that back then, the book would have angered many people as Skeeter’s story did in "The Help" and the author wouldn’t have had many people that agree with the idea of the book. Although many people most likely would have disagreed with the book, I think it would have been influential as it talked about a topic that was taboo and because of that, the book would have gained a lot of attention nationwide. "The Help" also discusses how women were expected to marry young, have kids, and look pretty. That view today is certainly not as popular, however, I think those views in the book in the 60s would have been accepted and agreed with. Altogether, I believe that if "The Help" was released in the 60s, there would have been a lot of disagreement about the book, which would have caused it to become popular and influential. Changing the time of when a book was published, especially one that had to do with big problems during the times, changes the lessons that people take away from reading it.

  17. The Help was published in 2009, by 2009, much has been done to support civil rights within the country, Although there is still racism in the world, racism is seen as very unethical and is against the law. Had the book been released at the time that the story takes place, there would've been lots of backlash. At that time people didn't have as much of a regard for racism as people do now. Even though the book still has lots of influence on us today, if it were wrote in 1960, the consequences would have been greater. Both good and bad consequences would come. Despite being published fairly recently, there are still so many things to learn from it. It can increase awareness and sympathy for the black community.

  18. The Help, a novel by Kathryn Stockett, was a book about racial inequality in the early 1960’s and was published nearly 50 years after the events of the book happened. Since the book was published so long after it’s setting it didn’t have as much of a significant effect on society. If the book had come out within 15 years of these events or while the civil rights movement was still happening (even though that was probably impossible) I think it would have been much more controversial and made more of an impact on society. If it had come out during the mid 60’s then it would have been something to help fuel the civil rights movement and if it had come out in the 70’s the numerous stories like this would have been much more fresh and in turn this would’ve caught the eye of many more people. This would have been the best time for the book to come out but it would not have been the same book. The perspective we have 50 years later is much different than people would’ve had at the time this was all occurring or soon after because of our view as a whole society. If the book had been exactly the same, don’t think it could’ve been, and come during the 60’s it could’ve gotten major backlash but also helped many white people realize the awful things occurring. This in turn would have backed the civil rights movement. If it had come out in the 70’s it would have been much more fresh and this could’ve made the book blow up more and shown why we turned away from this prejudice as a society and the fruits of the success of the recent civil rights movement.

  19. The Help, was a novel written by an American author, Kathryn Stockett. the book a based on the 1960s and has the point of view of African American maids working in white households, this book shows the point of view of racial inequality and just a little snip of what is was like back then. The way this book was portrayed and written gives a little bit of feelings and emotion, it was greatly written. A few things have been done for life to be different in todays present day, but I still think that there is things in this book that very much happen today. the way its written affects the content by giving the readers a bigger understanding of how hard it was to go through the hard time, difficult times. Reading about how African Americans had to work days on end, do things more than what they are paid for and still struggling to survive, how just one word from someone could ruin the others lives. Understanding and learning about the society and the civil rights movements creates a huge history, and learning how to continue making things better for civil rights is an even bigger help. Civil rights is somewhat of a hard topic for people to talk about but when reading this book and fully reading it and taking things into perspective its easy to see why the civil rights movement is such an important movement in our lives and how different it makes things, how the little things you can fix makes the biggest difference.

  20. The Help, a historical fiction novel published in 2009, is a book highlighting the racial injustices faced by maids in the South in the 1960s. Being published in 2009 creates a much different narrative and outlook for the book. By the year 2009 racism to the extent seen in the book has been almost, if not completely, eradicated. This means that readers today are reading the book already knowing that the atrocities highlighted in the book are terrible and the book just reinforces these ideas. Had this book been written in the 1960s as these issues were happening, this would be a whole new story. Readers in that decade were born and raised racist, it was all the knew and they believed it to be acceptable. A book like this could show a whole generation how their parents are treating their maids. It could show young girls like Mae Mobley how her mother treated the person that practically raised her. A book like this would just light another fire under the civil rights movement, it would be a call for action. It would result in what could be thousands of women coming out and talking about the treatment they receive from white people. Testimonial after testimonial would be released of these women who have faced oppression for years. Society would be forced to address the issues and could no longer stand by and watch. A book of this nature would be compared to one of the great historical pieces written by Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird. A story of this importance would be forever solidified in the history books had it been released when it was considered controversial. This is not to say that its 2009 release makes the book any worse, it just was released in a less controversial time period. One thing The Help does that makes it still such an important book, is highlights the mistakes America has made and allowed inside the country. It highlights that at one point this treatment of African Americans was allowed and even encouraged. By still writing books about this topic, it allows for Americans to be reminded of our mistakes and works to make sure we never allow those mistakes to happen again. The Help makes sure that history will never repeat itself again.
    -John McGinley

  21. Kathryn Stockett was the author of the book, The Help which was published in 2009. The book took place in Jackson Mississippi in the 1960’s when there was a bunch of stuff going on in the world and the big thing that was talked about in the book was Civil Rights, slavery, the way women were treated differently than men were treated. Even knowing the book was published many many years after this time period in life it still had a major impact on us when we read a story of how life was for certain people during the 60’s. It obviously was not easy to write a book and tell a story of how life was for African Americans in this time period, but Kathryn did a phenomenal job at doing so. In writing the book she decided to use flashbacks to help give us readers a good picture of all of the characters portrayed in the book. If the book was written and released during the time period this all took place there probably would have been a very different reaction to it and it would not have been good, because back then they would not have been understanding to the colored people due to their thoughts on them. But for it being published after it happened and for us to see how some people with colored skin are still treated like this till this day is huge to the society now on how it should stop.

  22. Kathryn Stockett wrote and published the book “The Help” within 2009. This book took place during the sixties which was almost 50 years before the book was actually written. Due to the massive time difference between when the story takes place and when people were reading it, it really affects the way that people read the book as they either feel guilty or sympathetic on how people were treated back in the day. Although we learn about all the civil rights activists in school and all the terrible difficulties the African American community had to face, “The Help” shows the lives of individual families and their smaller yet equally impactful perspectives. The modern day readers are more educated than the characters played out throughout the story, so we are able to know what is right and wrong. This is most clearly seen when one of the characters May Mobely is explaining to Aibleen that black people are not as smart as white people. The way that white people treated the African Americans within the story is most obviously terrible to us readers, but natural to the characters. That being said, there would have been a very different impact if this book was released during the time it took place (The 60’s). After all of the civil rights movements that had been taking place, racism was at a peak and so was the strength of the black community. This book would have caused a lot of dangerous and strong influence on the 60’s society, however it is also important for us to read the book now and address all of the contents that have not changed. Although the historical moment in which the book was written was almost 50 years ago, a lot of racism seen in the book can still be seen today just hiding in the shadows. It is important for us to read “The Help” as it affects our conscience by being able to decipher what is right and what is wrong and what has changed and what needs to change. That being said, those saying that this book’s timing does not affect our modern society are wrong.

  23. Kathryn Stockett’s book, The Help, was published in 2009,being many years after when the book takes place, it has made a great impact on the topic of civil rights and racism then and now. Because it was published today the audience has more of an open mind when reading. If it was released in the actual time it took place, it most likely would have gotten backlash. For example even though some people were intrigued by the book Skeeter wrote in the story, there were people who were angry by it, like Hilly. But I believe this book could have made an impact on the society and opened the minds of the people in the 1960s, because not only does it touch base on the topic of racism but it touches base with sexism and how women were only looked at as someone who stays home, party’s, and looks pretty while the man makes the money for them. Also with police brutality and such. So many topics were talked about in this book and it is a great example of historical fiction. Even though The Help can not completely stop things such as racism, sexism, and police brutality, it is still a very powerful book to inform the readers that these are real topics that should not be overlooked. That these topics need to be talked about more and for people to help minimize these things as much as possible. All of these topics still happen today, even though people may think they don’t, but they do, and we are experiencing them right now.

  24. In the book, The Help, it talks about a lot of the inequalities that the black community faced in the 1960’s. Because the book was released in 2009 it didn’t have as great of an impact as it would of if it was released in the time period this book takes place. Today we know that the things that went on in the book were morally wrong and something that we don’t see in our society today. If the book was released during the 1960’s it would have been very controversial and may of had a larger impact than it did. Even though we know now how bad segregation was during the time it was taught to the youth and was considered the norm in society. In the book this is shown when Hilly’s club thought that giving the help their own bathroom outside was okay. Soon after Mae Mobley used the bathroom for the help and had to be taught by her mother that this was not okay.

  25. The help portrays a time period where segregation was at one of its peaks. The books tells the stories and the struggles that people in this time had to live with and go through. It talks and portrays how awful and brutally racist people were in that time and the awful things people would say and do even to kids. This book has a lot of significance and can change the way people think about how we treat people.

  26. The help was written in a time where segregation and racism were so common that nobody thought anything wrong with it. Many things have changed since the time period and that is why I think this book is so important to read, none of us have lived in that time period and although we may know what happened, we never got an inside look on what truly happened and I think this book does a great job giving us that information. I think that the book being published in 2009 is a much better time that if it were published in the time period it is written about, now people see what happened and understand it is wrong, in that time period the book would not have been as popular and we may have never even seen it because it would not have gained popularity. I think this book helps the black community in spreading awareness about how terribly they were treated in the past and helps other people realize the issues with it.

  27. The Help, published in 2009 by Kathryn Stockett, portrayed the lives of women in the 60’s. It revealed the hardships colored women went through whilst being maids for white women. Stockett also gives the audience a look into the lives of the white women through the eyes of the help. It displayed the good and bad during these times but the bad overwhelmed the good almost entirely. Seen as the book was published well after these times and after the civil rights movement it had no impact on the past. A benefit is that the book truly impacts its readers and allows the audience to understand what was going on in the shoes of the colored workers. It can be humbling to read about the lives of these women in relation to the lives we live today. Although The Help has a lasting impact on its readers, if the book was published in the 60’s it could have helped strengthen the civil rights movement.
    Towards the end of The Help the white ladies read the book Skeeter wrote and are disgusted by the way the characters treat their help, not knowing they were reading about themselves. Some of these rich white ladies never even realized how poorly they treated their help and believed they were treating them how they were supposed to. If they could have taken a step back and looked at things they may have realized what was really going on and how dreadfully they treated the ones doing all of the work for them. Then again this was how everyone was raised. They were taught at a young age that black people were not as smart or capable as white people. This was shown in the book after Mae Mobley came home from school and told Aibileen that her teacher told the class that black people were not as smart as them.
    If the book was published in the 60’s it may have helped strengthen the civil rights movement, but there is a better chance it would have been received poorly. Why would people care about what these women were going through and no one would want to admit to their flaws. Now that the book is well known in this day and age it can only help benefit the future of the country and hopefully shows people that equality has changed for the better. We have come a long way with equality but as you look in depthly into your everyday life you still see stereotypes and inequality everywhere.

  28. The Help, written in 2009 by Kathryn Stockett, covered many issues of society in the 1960's. I believe that this book would have been better off written in the late 60's or early 70's for multiple reasons. For example, when the reader goes about this book, it's impossible to ignore the fact that there was a terrible amount of racism back in that time period, and African Americans obviously weren't given as many opportunities as whites. If this book was published back in the 1960's, readers would have seen the problems in their communities, and the overall idea of the book would have been much more impactful. This being said, reading this book today can still teach many people who have not been educated on this time period, or just didn't know much about racism in the 60's, about so many different things that people did, said, or wrote about back then. All in all, The Help, was a great book that can, and will teach people very important parts of our history, even though it may have been published 50 years too late.

  29. The Help written by Kathryn Stocket, published in 2009 takes place in the 1960’s in Jackson Mississippi, During this era many African Americans experienced horrible things. Racism was a major problem at this time, and Mississippi could’ve been considered one of the most prejudice states. Many people were beaten, killed and stripped of basic human rights just for being different. Throughout this time racism was considered normal, without the book The Help, a lot of people may have never learned about the injustices that happened at this time. Kathryn stocket doesn’t just tell a story here she brings it to life adding details that really gave the book a new aspect.

  30. The book “TheHelp” written by Kathryn stocker was published in 2009. It took place in Jackson Mississippi in the early 1960s. During this time African-Americans experienced horrible things. Racism was a very big problem at this time. The big thing that was talked about in this book was civil rights, slavery, the way women were treated differently than men were cheated. This book is based on the views African-American males working with white household it shows the race view of any quality and what it really was back then. Portrayed with very much emotion and feeling this book was excellently written. This book was published nearly 50 years after the events took place. Well taking this into perspective it’s easy to see why the civil rights movement is such an important movement in our lives and how different it makes things. Things may not be fully solves to this day but we have definitely come far from then.

  31. "The Help'' written by Kathryn Stocker was published in 2009 but the book took place in the early sixties. During the time this book was based around when African Americans in the world faced terrible hardships and were treated as if they were less than even human. The book was plotted in Jackson Mississippi which was one of the worst places to be as a black person as far as segregation and racism went. If the book were to be published during that time I think it would have made a very large impact on the things that went on up until it was published in 2009. I think it would have been very controversial at a time like this for a book of this type to be published, since racism and segregation was such a big deal at the time I feel as if it would have made some people very mad and could have even put the author in danger. Even though the book was published long after these things were happening so much because it's not fair to say that they don't still happen to black people in America but it has definitely become better and I still do think that the book has a lot of relevance to our generation and there is a lot we can take away from the book and use all of our power in the future to ensure that these things are abolished and no human beings ever have to experience something like this. I think the timing of the publication for The Help couldn't have been better and it will help change many lives of future generations.

    Thank you for your understanding Ms. Tunink I was 100% looking in the wrong place for this and I appreciate your willingness to help.
